Ref. No. : 80981333   
Canal Work Tenders, Consultancy Service Tenders, Legal Advisor Tenders, Man Power Tenders
Canal Work Tenders, Consultancy Service Tenders, Legal Advisor Tenders, Man Power Tenders
Company Name : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Product Detail : REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE ENGAGEMENT OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT PARTNERS TOPROVIDE BUSINESSDEVELOPMENT SERVICES TO LSETF LOAN BENEFICIARIES LAGOS STATE EMPLOYMENT TRUST FUND (LSETF) Lagos State Employment Trust Fund, LSETF, was established by the Lagos State Employment Trust Fund Lawof 2016todriveinitiatives that tackle unemployment and enable wealth creation for all Lagos residents. LSETF provides entrepreneurshipand employment opportunities through the acquisition of skills to get better jobs, improving access to financeandstrengthening the institutional capacity of micro, small, and medium enterprises, and formulating policies designedtoimprove the business environment in Lagos State. In addition, LSETF develops programmes designed to train andplaceunemployed residents of Lagos in jobs. Thus, LSETF seeks to engage the services of Business Development Service Providers (BDSPs) to provide thefollowingservices to LSETF loan beneficiaries 1) Verification of loan/grant applicants’ business details (KYC) 2) Business Advisory services; and 3) Monitoring and Evaluation of the loan/grant beneficiaries about the following. a. Job Creation b. Book-Keeping c. Tax Compliance d. High Growth potential 4) Support loan/grant beneficiaries to develop synergies and linkages with large enterprises, buyers, andsuppliersalong the value chain
Tender Detail : REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE ENGAGEMENT OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT PARTNERS TOPROVIDE BUSINESSDEVELOPMENT SERVICES TO LSETF LOAN BENEFICIARIES LAGOS STATE EMPLOYMENT TRUST FUND (LSETF) Lagos State Employment Trust Fund, LSETF, was established by the Lagos State Employment Trust Fund Lawof 2016todriveinitiatives that tackle unemployment and enable wealth creation for all Lagos residents. LSETF provides entrepreneurshipand employment opportunities through the acquisition of skills to get better jobs, improving access to financeandstrengthening the institutional capacity of micro, small, and medium enterprises, and formulating policies designedtoimprove the business environment in Lagos State. In addition, LSETF develops programmes designed to train andplaceunemployed residents of Lagos in jobs. Thus, LSETF seeks to engage the services of Business Development Service Providers (BDSPs) to provide thefollowingservices to LSETF loan beneficiaries: 1) Verification of loan/grant applicants’ business details (KYC) 2) Business Advisory services; and 3) Monitoring and Evaluation of the loan/grant beneficiaries about the following. a. Job Creation b. Book-Keeping c. Tax Compliance d. High Growth potential 4) Support loan/grant beneficiaries to develop synergies and linkages with large enterprises, buyers, andsuppliersalong the value chain
Tender Location : Not Classified - Nigeria
Document Path : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Tender Closing Date : 12/03/2025 at 00:00 Hrs.
Address : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Sub-Industry/Industry : Non Classified - Non Classified   
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