Product Detail :
The Bedele Woreda Office of Agriculture, Pastoralist and Land, now invites contractors of Category WWC-5 or GC-5 and above, to submit sealed bids for providing the necessary labor, material, and equipment for the construction and completion of the Lugo Small Scale Irrigation
Tender Detail : |
Tenders are invited for The Bedele Woreda Office of Agriculture, Pastoralist and Land, now invites contractors of Category WWC-5 or GC-5 and above, to submit sealed bids for providing the necessary labor, material, and equipment for the construction and completion of the Lugo Small Scale Irrigation
Bid closing date: Dec 30, 2027 10:00 AM
Bid opening date: Dec 30, 2027 10:30 AM
Bid document price: 500.00 Birr in cash only
Bid bond: 250,000.00 Birr