Ref. No. : 73797409   
Detailed feasibility study Tenders, Environment Service Tenders, Environment Survey Tenders, Environmental Analysis Tenders, Environmental Assessment Tenders, Environmental Assessment Service Tenders, Environmental Audit Tenders, Environmental Clearance Tenders, Environmental impact assessment Tenders, Environmental Management Service Tenders, Environmental Social Impact Assessment Tenders, Environmental Study Tenders, Environmental Support Service Tenders, Feasibility Report Tenders, Feasibility Report Consultancy Tenders, Feasibility Study Tenders, Feasibility Study Service Tenders, Impact Analysis Study Tenders, Impact Assessment Tenders, Pre Feasibility Study Tenders, Social Impact Assessment Tenders
Consultancy Service Tenders, Environmental Work Tenders, Project Management Services Tenders
Company Name : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Product Detail : Recruitment Of A Firm To Carry Out The Electrification Study Of 95 Hills Not Yet Electrified Around Bujumbura
Tender Detail : Request for Expression of Interest: Recruitment of a firm to carry out the electrification study of 95 hills not yet electrified around bujumbura The Consulting Services ( the Services ) Include: Feasibility Study ; Detailed Pre-project Study; Tender File; Environmental and Social Impact Study (Esia); Environmental and Social Management Plan (Esmp) Resettlement Action Plan (Par); Project ID: P164435 Procurement Method: Quality Based Selection Submission Deadline Date/Time: Sep 11, 2024 15:00 Language of Notice: FRENCH
Tender Location : Not Classified - Burundi
Document Path : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Tender Closing Date : 11/09/2024 at 00:00 Hrs.
Address : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Sub-Industry/Industry : Non Classified - Non Classified   
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