Ref. No. : 73480597   
consulting agency Tenders, Environmental Assessment Service Tenders, Environmental impact assessment Tenders, Environmental Social Impact Assessment Tenders, Environmental Study Tenders, Impact Analysis Study Tenders, Impact Assessment Tenders, Social Impact Assessment Tenders, Water Survey Tenders
Consultancy Service Tenders, Environmental Work Tenders, Survey Work Tenders
Company Name : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Product Detail : Environmental And Social Impact Studies In The Kayes Region And The Kati Circle In Connection With The Studies Of 20 Aep And 30 Aes In The Kayes Region And 15 Aep And 35 Aes In The Koulikoro Region
Tender Detail : General procurement notice for Environmental and Social Impact Studies in the Kayes Region and the Kati Circle in connection with the studies of 20 AEP and 30 AES in the Kayes Region and 15 AEP and 35 AES in the Koulikoro Region
Tender Location : Not Classified - Mali
Document Path : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Tender Closing Date : 8/05/2025 at 00:00 Hrs.
Address : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Sub-Industry/Industry : Non Classified - Non Classified   
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