Ref. No. : 73480560   
Drinking Water Distribution Tenders, Drinking Water Facility Tenders, Drinking Water pipeline Repair Tenders, Drinking Water Scheme repair Tenders, Drinking Water System Repair Tenders, GI Water Line Tenders, GI Water Pipeline Tenders, Gravity Main Tenders, Gravity Main Laying Tenders
Laying Pipe Tenders, Pipeline Project Tenders, Water Supply Tenders
Company Name : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Product Detail : Construction Of 03 Multi-village Drinking Water Supplies In 3 Municipalities And 01 Summary Water Supply In 01 Municipality In The Kayes Region Including The Acquisition Of Two Automatic Standpipes Fo
Tender Detail : General procurement notice for Construction of 03 multi-village drinking water supplies in 3 municipalities and 01 summary water supply in 01 municipality in the Kayes Region including the acquisition of two automatic standpipes for the locality of Bakan
Tender Location : Not Classified - Mali
Document Path : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Tender Closing Date : 2/04/2025 at 00:00 Hrs.
Address : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Sub-Industry/Industry : Non Classified - Non Classified   
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