Ref. No. : 65518926   
Anesthesia Machine Repair Tenders, Autoclave Repair Tenders, Biomedical Equipment Repair Tenders, Endoscope Repair Tenders, Hospital Bed Repair Tenders, Hospital Equipment Repair Tenders, Hospital Furniture Repair Tenders, Monitor Repair Tenders
Anaesthesia Machine Tenders, Endoscope Tenders, Hospital Furniture Tenders, Monitoring System Tenders, Other Medical Diagnosis Equipments Tenders
Company Name : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Product Detail : Rv For The Provision Of Preventive Measures In Accordance With Sections 20 Ff Sbg V, Oh Procedure
Tender Detail : Contract notice: rv for the provision of preventive measures in accordance with sections 20 ff sbg v, oh procedure As part of the open-house procedure, the client intends to conclude framework agreements (rv) with all suitable service providers for the provision of preventive measures in non-company and company living environments in accordance with sections 20 ff sgb v. as an independent company, the service provider carries out the measures within the framework of prevention and health promotion. the latter assures the client that the basic and additional qualifications of the specialists he employs meet the quality criteria in accordance with sections 20 and 20a and 20b sgb v in conjunction with the prevention guidelines of the gkv-special association of june 21, 2000, in its currently valid version , as well as the additional qualifications of the client, correspond to and provide evidence of these. annex 1 to the framework agreement contains an overview of the employees employed. the scope, the deadlines/dates and the specifications of the services to be provided will be determined later in individual orders.As part of the open-house procedure, the client intends to conclude framework agreements with all suitable service providers for the provision of preventive measures in non-company and company living environments in accordance with sections 20 ff sgb v. the framework agreement runs until december 31, 2027. joining is possible at any time, provided that the basic and additional qualifications of the service provider and the specialists (employees) employed by them meet the quality criteria in accordance with sections 20 and 20a and 20b sgb v in conjunction with the prevention guidelines of the gkv umbrella association of june 21, 2000 , in its currently valid version, as well as the additional qualifications of the client, correspond to and demonstrate these. this announcement does not concern the award of a public contract within the meaning of the public procurement directive (2014/24/ec) or antitrust procurement law. in the interest of providing the broadest possible information to interested service providers (interested companies), this announcement is made in the supplement to the official journal of the european union. the term open procedure used here (see text of the announcement, section iv.1.1.) is due to the requirements of the text of the announcement and has no further meaning. the use of the announcement form and the ted for the present open-house procedure does not involve subjection to procurement regulations.
Tender Location : Not Classified - South Africa
Document Path : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Tender Closing Date : 30/11/2027 at 00:00 Hrs.
Address : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Sub-Industry/Industry : Non Classified - Non Classified   
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